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27 February 2004  Hoyle meeting room 10.30 - 12.15

Present:   STH, JRL, PSB, WJS, DWE
Apologies: MJI, RGM


1.   Actions from last meeting
2.   Comments on WFAU minutes
3.   Report on JAC telecon of 18th February
4.   Comments on WFCAM User Guide
5.   Draft 0.4 of VISTA DFS user requirements
6.   Status of ESO deliverables
7.   Reports on progress for 04Q1M2 VDMT (5th March)
8.   AOB


1.   Actions from last meeting

STH  has nearly finished the bright star checking of the photometric standard
     fields - ongoing                                                      <<<<
     WJS suggested that standards be set up to the North and South of the
     zenith for Paranal in order to minimize slew time. This is due to VISTA
     being an alt-az design and has to rotate through 180 degrees in
     azimuth if "going over the zenith" is required.

STH  has started looking at the spatial systematics in the UFTI standards
     data and new test data - ongoing                                      <<<<

JRL  has emailed Adam and Benoit regarding the WFCAM example FITS headers
     and files. Understandably, no further progress has been made - ongoing<<<<

STH  has requested the missing ISAAC data and is awaiting delivery
     - ongoing                                                             <<<<

MJI  no information regarding comparison of FIRES project reduced data with
     ours - ongoing                                                        <<<<

STH  has not calibrated FIRES data using NICMOS or the published FIRES work
     - ongoing                                                             <<<<
     JRL requested from STH the transformations from 2MASS to UFTI filters.<<<<

JRL  have started writing a report on ISAAC reductions - ongoing           <<<<

JRL  have still to add in CPL functionality to the QFITS -v- CFITSIO
PSB  comparison.
     It was felt that this comparison will end up in the Data Reduction
     Specification document which is a deliverable so this should be dropped
     as an action.
     PSB added that the next update to CPL/QFITS will probably come after the
     workshop. It is intended that there will be a CPL workshop in March. We
     should have a presence at this meeting and submit a report to it.

JRL  the VoProc meeting in Leicester was cancelled due to industrial action
     by the AUT.

MJI  attended the APM building meeting (Wednesday 11th). PSB reported that
PSB  Estate Management had not made much progress since December (the last
     meeting). It was quite worrying that they were still considering
     partitions a la Dilbert and were not considering real offices.
     There was also a serious lack of space for computers.
     PSB offered a bet that the APM building would not be completed by the
     end of 2004. No-one took him up on this.

DWE  has altered the documentation web page as requested

ALL  informed DWE of any documents that required document numbers

DWE  emailed document authors of the numbers that should be inserted into
     their documents. All the documents have now been updated.

ALL  read the draft VDFS User Requirements Document in readiness for a
     meeting with WJS (see later)

2.   Comments on WFAU minutes

IAB has asked MJI & JRL for some example calibration frames to test the
ingest procedure.                                                          <<<<

3.   Report on JAC telecon of 18th February

JRL reported on the JAC telecon of 18th February:
  a. A draft WFCAM set of recipes has been placed in the CVS repository. This
     was in fact more of a general recipe that can be tuned.
  b. An NDF file with a WFCAM header has been requested from JAC.
  c. The User Guide from Paul Hirst was announced.

The next one is scheduled for Wednesday 3rd March.

4.   Comments on WFCAM User Guide

JRL initially thought that sending individual comments to PH would be the
best way of providing feedback, but in order to minimize duplication and
emails to PH it was decided to send back a single response. STH said that he
would coordinate this. Thus, comments to STH by next Wednesday and he will
then pass the collated wisdom onto PH. This would then be in time so that it
could be discussed at the next telecon.                                    <<<<

5.   Draft 0.4 of VISTA DFS user requirements

WJS said that the meeting was very useful. The next draft will be available
soon (probably next week).

It was pointed out that this was a UK related document and could easily be
confused (because of the name) with the ESO deliverable. PSB thought that
the 2 documents were quite different. It was thought that the name of the UK
document should be changed in order to avoid confusion. This needs to be
raised at the VDMT meeting on 5th March.                                   <<<<

There was also a bit of confusion as to exactly what VDFS delivers to ESO
(software, raw data, reduced data, ...) and where it is written
down. Another item for the VDMT.                                           <<<<

[Note added later by MJI that some of the answers to this question are 
contained in Appendix B of VDFS-GSC-02-03-VISTA.pdf in 
~wfcam/public_html/internal/vdfsdocs and the documents referred to therein.]

6.   Status of ESO deliverables

PSB said that the deadline for nominations to VDUC was 3rd March. He asked
that the issue of the date of the first VDUC meeting be raised at the VDMT <<<<
meeting. It was stressed that it was necessary for this meeting to be held
before April 13th, since this was the deadline for documents to be submitted
to the VDFS PDR (probably May 13th).

WJS pointed out that the VISTA deliverables to ESO are those in the
VISTA Technical Specification, VIS-SPE-ATC-00000-0003, Issue 2.0 (or a
future issue, subject to VPO/ESO change control procedure). This was
drawn up with the Science Requirements Document (SRD) as the main
driver , and contains a table of cross-references from the SRD, but
the SRD itself is no longer an official deliverable to ESO.  Thus, in
the event of any conflict the VTS shall take precedence over the SRD.
However, the UK - VDFS should be compliant with the SRD as far as
reasonably possible, i.e. unless something in VTS prevents it.

PSB said that Malcolm Stewart had acquired and passed on the FLAMES
Calibration Plan 1.0 (for the PDR). This is a nice and concise document
which we can adopt as a model.

7.   Reports on progress for 04Q1M2 VDMT (5th March)

The next VDMT meeting is on Friday 5th March. STH asked that 04Q1m2 reports
be handed in by end of Tuesday so that he can have enough time to incorporate
them into the management documents.                                        <<<<

8.   AOB

Malcolm Stewart has suggested that there be a VISTA IR Camera Calibration
Meeting held in Cambridge (early March). It was thought that this would be a
very good idea. It was pointed out that an early agenda would be essential
for this meeting so that attendees could prepare properly for it. Some of
this agenda has already been alluded to in an email from Malcolm Stewart.

WJS said that he would send the minutes of the Telescope Calibration Meeting
to PSB.                                                                    <<<<

Continuing Actions

STH  finish the bright star checking of the photometric standard fields
     (by end of next week)

STH  look at the spatial systematics in the UFTI standards data and new
     test data (by next meeting)

JRL  iterate on WFCAM example FITS headers and files with Adam and Benoit

STH  acquire missing ISAAC data

MJI  compare FIRES project reduced data with ours

STH  calibrate FIRES data using NICMOS or the published FIRES work

JRL  finish report on ISAAC reductions

New Actions

STH  send transformations from 2MASS to UFTI filters to JRL

JRL  send some example calibration frames to test the ingest procedure
MJI  to IAB.

ALL  send comments on Paul Hirst's User Guide to STH by early Wednesday

STH  collate above comments by end Wednesday

STH  raise issue of name of "UK User Requirements" document at VDMT meeting

STH  ask for clarification on what VDFS delivers to ESO at VDMT meeting

STH  raise issue of date of first VDUC meeting at VDMT meeting

ALL  send in 04Q1m2 reports to STH by end of Tuesday

WJS  send minutes of the Telescope Calibration Meeting to PSB