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18 March 2004  Hoyle meeting room 10.30 - 12.30

Present:   STH, JRL, PSB, WJS, DWE
Apologies: MJI, RGM


1. Actions from last meeting
2. Comments on WFAU minutes
3. Report from Q1M2 VDMT: Friday 5th March
4. Report from JAC telecon: Friday 12th March
5. Report and update on VISTA Camera Calibration meeting and
   progress towards PDR
6. Discussion of UK VISTA Pipeline v0.4 (WJS)
7. Update on APM building plans
8. AOB


1. Actions from last meeting

STH  has finished the bright star checking of the photometric standard
     fields. This is based on 2MASS data and all fields in the calibration
     plan have been checked. However it does depend on exactly what the
     saturation limit is. WJS said that he would send the current best
     estimates to STH.                                                     <<<<
     WJS pointed out a few sparse regions in the plan and requested a few
     extra fields just to the North of VISTA's zenith. STH said that he
     would fill in these gaps.                                             <<<<

STH  has made no progress regarding the spatial systematics in the UFTI 
     standards data and new test data - ongoing                            <<<<

JRL  has again emailed Adam and Benoit regarding the WFCAM example FITS headers
     and files. JRL said that he will phone Michelle Peron to clarify the
     situation.                                                            <<<<

STH  has acquired the missing ISAAC data.

MJI  no information regarding comparison of FIRES project reduced data with
     ours - ongoing                                                        <<<<

STH  has not calibrated FIRES data using NICMOS or the published FIRES work
     - ongoing                                                             <<<<

STH  sent the transformations from 2MASS to UFTI filters to JRL.

JRL  writing a report on ISAAC reductions is ongoing                       <<<<

JRL  no example calibration frames to test the ingest procedure have been
MJI  sent to IAB. JRL promises he will do so soon.                         <<<<

ALL  commenting on Paul Hirst's User Guide was delayed due to a delayed JAC
STH  telecon and then the calibration plan meeting. JAC did not mention this
     at the rescheduled telecon. However, comments should be done by the next 
     CASU meeting. JRL will collate the comments.                          <<<<

STH  raised the issue of the name of the "UK User Requirements" document at 
     the VDMT meeting. The current name is "VISTA DFS UK User Requirements
     Document". There were still worries about the name and it will be
     changed if we can come up with a better name.

STH  at the VDMT meeting asked for clarification on what VDFS delivers to ESO.
     The answer from JPE was that it was all in VLT-SPE-ESO-19000-1618.

STH  raised the issue (also at the VDMT meeting) of a date for the first VDUC 
     meeting. No date has currently been set.

ALL  sent in 04Q1m2 reports to STH.

WJS  sent minutes of the Telescope Calibration Meeting to PSB who said that
     they were quite interesting.

2. Comments on WFAU minutes

PSB and DWE had noted the reference to "earned values". STH said that he had
already received an email about this and that these statistics will be used
in future project documents. The currently supplied information should be
sufficient to calculate the new statistics.

The transfer of data tests were noted and seem fine.

3. Report from Q1M2 VDMT: Friday 5th March

STH said that he had raised the various issues required (see Section 1) and
that the meeting had gone well. Progress was ok.

4. Report from JAC telecon: Friday 12th March

JRL said that the telecon was short and sweet. The 2 main issues

(a) creating copies of the WFCAM data for ourselves at the summit. There are
problems relating to the creation of MEF files from the SDF files as the
Starlink convert utility cannot create MEFs and there was a reluctance
within the JAC to have the ORACDR infrastructure dependent on either CFITSIO
or CIRDR. Because there will be four summit pipelines (one for each chip) we
can solve this problem by allowing ORACDR to create a simple FITS file.  The
the first step of the reduction recipe is to create a tile compressed MEF
that will be stored away and eventually written to tape for us. The summit
pipeline will then work on the simple FITS file.

(b) the question of real vs. integer data.  ATC are having problems making
some processes work with integer data as the standard for UKIRT is to output
reals.  JAC also have pointed out the scenario of multiple NDR observations
with narrow band filters would lead to small real values which would suffer
were the data type to be transformed to integer.  We would like to have
integer data mainly because the data are essentially integer anyway and also
because we can achieve a lossless compression with integer data. It was
agreed that the DAS would write real format data and that the MEFs that are
to be created in the recipes for transfer to Cambridge would be converted to
integer and compressed except in the minority of cases like the above where
it would be clearly inappropriate.

The next JAC telecon will be Tuesday 23rd March.

5. Report and update on VISTA Camera Calibration meeting and
   progress towards PDR

The minutes/notes of this meeting can be seen at:

A lot of useful feedback has been received by PSB since the meeting and much
discussion has been done by email. There will be a telecon tomorrow (19th
March) at 9:30 to further progress the Calibration Plan. The Cambridge end
will be in JRL's office.

It was felt that while the work on the Calibration Plan was well in hand,
there was a need to review (within CASU) the other two documents needed for
the PDR.

In order to do this it was agreed that we all read the Data Reduction
Specification and the User Requirements Document and provide feedback as
soon as possible. We would then have a small meeting (PSB, WJS, JRL, DWE) on
25th March in JRL's office (10am) to discuss these documents.              <<<<

6. Discussion of UK VISTA Pipeline v0.4 (WJS)

Version 0.4 has been released for some time and not much feedback has been
received (especially external). WJS said that he needed comments from WFAU
and JPE. We should all have another look at this and provide some feedback.<<<<
This document is needed for the VDUC meeting.
DWE will also sort out a document number for this.                         <<<<

7. Update on APM building plans

We have now all seen the drawing plans and are reasonably happy with things.
The issue of telephone lines was raised. It was decided that this was a
detail that can be sorted out later.

It should be noted that STH has taken PSB up on his bet (see minutes of last

8. AOB

The next CASU meeting will be on 2nd April 10am, with the next VDMT meeting
on the 5th April.

Continuing Actions

STH  finish looking at the spatial systematics in the UFTI standards data and
     new test data

JRL  iterate on WFCAM example FITS headers and files with Adam and Benoit
     (phone Michelle Peron to clarify the situation).

MJI  compare FIRES project reduced data with ours

STH  calibrate FIRES data using NICMOS or the published FIRES work

JRL  finish report on ISAAC reductions

JRL  send some example calibration frames to test the ingest procedure
MJI  to IAB.

ALL  send comments on Paul Hirst's User Guide to STH by next meeting (JRL
     to collate).

New Actions

WJS  send best estimates of VISTA saturation limit to STH

STH  fill in sparse regions of photometric standard fields plan and add a few 
     more fields just to the North of VISTA's zenith.

ALL  read the Data Reduction Specification and the User Requirements Document 
     and provide feedback as soon as possible to PSB (meeting 25th March). 

ALL  read V0.4 of the VISTA DFS UK User Requirements Document and provide
     feedback for WJS.
DWE  provide document number for VISTA DFS UK User Requirements Document