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2nd April 2004  Observatory meeting room 10.00 - 11:10

Present:   STH, JRL, PSB, MJI, DWE, RGM
Apologies: WJS


1.  Actions from last meeting
2.  Comments on WFAU minutes
3.  Report on JAC telecons etc.
    (inc. WFCAM User Guide, MSB guidelines)
4.  Items for Q1 2004 report
5.  Work plan for Q2 2004
6.  VDFS UK User Requirements Document v0.4
7.  Outstanding PDR issues
8.  AOB:
    APM building refurbishment
    PDR travel plans


The meeting was deliberately kept short and sweet due to time pressure 
from PDR-related issues.


1.  Actions from last meeting

WJS  has sent the current best estimates of the VISTA saturation limits
     to STH.

STH  has filled in the gaps of the photometric standard fields plan and
     added a few more fields to the North of VISTA's zenith. This still 
     needs to be propagated into the Calibration Plan (by Monday).         <<<<
     DWE suggested that the appropriate declinations for the latitude of
     WFCAM and VISTA be marked on the plot. STH said that he would do this.<<<<

STH  has made no progress regarding the spatial systematics in the UFTI 
     standards data and new test data - ongoing                            <<<<

JRL  has reached agreement with Adam and Benoit regarding the WFCAM example
     FITS headers and files. A link to this has been added to our diary web
     page (

MJI  no progress on comparison of FIRES project reduced data with 
     ours - ongoing                                                        <<<<

STH  has not calibrated FIRES data using NICMOS or the published FIRES work
     - ongoing                                                             <<<<

STH  has acquired the missing ISAAC data, but forgot to email its location
     to JRL (!). STH to email JRL                                          <<<<

JRL  writing a report on ISAAC reductions is ongoing                       <<<<

JRL  example calibration frames to test the ingest procedure have been
MJI  sent to IAB.

ALL  no comments on Paul Hirst's User Guide have been received by JRL
     (understandable considering the preparation for the VISTA DFS PDR).
     There will be a JAC telecon on Monday evening, so comments by then    <<<<
     would be useful.  Some quick comments that were raised were the lack 
     of a link to the glossary and a simple printable (eg. ps or pdf) 
     version of the entire User Guide.  It might also be useful to have
     link to the MSB guideline page. [After the meeting MJI checked up
     and found 7.1 was a pointer to the glossary and 7.2 to the MSB

ALL  had read the Data Reduction Specification and the User Requirements 
     Document and provided feedback for the 25th March meeting. 
ALL  had read V0.4 of the VISTA DFS UK User Requirements Document and some
     comments had been passed onto WJS. This was felt to be an ongoing 
     action since there was a need to discuss this with WJS at the next 
     meeting.                                                              <<<<
DWE  provided a document number for VISTA DFS UK User Requirements Document

2.  Comments on WFAU minutes

MJI noted that WFAU were still having problems with their advanced disk 
RAID array.

There was some discussion as to what picture format was most appropriate 
(JPEG, GIF or PNG).  It was noted that CASU generate PNG files in 
their pseudo-colour image generating software.

3.  Report on JAC telecons etc.
    (inc. WFCAM User Guide, MSB guidelines)

There have been no JAC telecons since the last CASU meeting. The one
scheduled for 23rd March was cancelled.  The next one will be on Monday
evening (5th April).  STH said he may attend.

MJI said that the delayed disussion of issues relating to the WFCAM User 
Guide will be raised at this meeting and that everyone should forward
any further comments to MJI by Monday.                                     <<<<

Another issue was the status of the MSB guidelines and their use by
the survey heads in the UKIDSS consortium.  The last information on this
is now 2 months old.

MJI and JRL were reminded to enquire about the status of the engineering
tests and the SDF example file.

4.  Items for Q1 2004 report

There has been considerable progress on the VISTA documentation front 
required for the DFS PDR (WP2) ie. the Calibration Plan, User Requirements 
(ESO) and Data Reduction Specification documents.  Over the last month 
this has occupied the majority of the group's time.  Final versions
for proof reading by DWE are needed by first thing Wednesday morning.  
There will be further iterations of these available in plenty of time for 
the upcoming telecon on Tuesday afternoon.

There had been some pleasing progress on the PSF generating and fitting 
front.  Several anticipated issues have been raised and factored in
for the next stage of development.

STH commented that overall most areas where there was a lack of progress 
or slippage behind schedule, were due to the dearth of detailed engineering 
data (understandable given the problems with the detectors).

The remaining items for the report need to be sent to STH as soon as 
possible.                                                                  <<<<

5.  Work plan for Q2 2004

Although some future work plans had been sent to STH the detail of the Q2
deliverables still needs to be worked out. MJI and STH will go over the
GANTT charts etc. over the weekend and formulate a plan for Q2.  This has 
to be ready before 2:30pm Monday (5th April), when the next VDMT telecon 
is to be held.                                                             <<<<

6.  VDFS UK User Requirements Document v0.4

It was agreed that more feedback needs to be given to WJS regarding the VDFS
UK User Requirements Document. In order to do this we will arrange the next
CASU meeting so that WJS can attend.  The deferred discussion of this 
document will be the one of the main agenda items.

7.  Outstanding PDR issues

There was a general discussion regarding the VISTA DFS project and the
science goals.  Some worries were expressed that the science wood was 
sometimes being lost in the engineering trees.  It was noted that many 
things of a general nature have been raised while preparing for this PDR 
that have not been picked up at the previous reviews.  It was felt that 
VDUC could be very useful in helping to minimise this problem in the

MJI reported that he had spoken with Tim Naylor (VDUC chair) at NAM2004 and 
impressed upon him the need for VDUC to meet as soon as possible.  

PSB said that the three PDR documents were now only being sent out for
review as PDF files, so that the problem of multiple word doc copies of the 
same document would not arise again.  This had wasted a lot of time over 
the last two weeks, refixing formats, typos and so on.  He also reported 
that with JMS's help he has even managed to get digital signatures to work.

8.  AOB:

APM building refurbishment

MJI said that the APM building refurbishment is still on track. 
[ STH :-) PSB :-(  but watch this space ].  The plates and their associated 
racking have been moved and re-assembled (the racks that is) into long-term
storage at Laundry Farm (sic!).  The APM itself is due to be removed in May
(MJI found out after the meeting that this was now scheduled for July 
[ STH :-( PSB :-)  but watch this space ].  Planning permission for the
refurbishment works, including a new roof and some new windows, is due
by the end of April.  MJI noted that he didn't have any up-to-date 
information about this and said that he would check progress on this 
with Paul Aslin.                                                           <<<<

PDR travel plans

The PDR is scheduled for 13th May.  For CASU it was decided that PSB, JRL, 
MJI and STH should go over the night before and stay for at least two nights. 
There would thus be no time pressure on the PDR to finish early, so that 
all that needed to be discussed could be covered. It would also provide an 
opportunity to socialize with ESO staff in the evening in order to establish 
a good working relationship.

Continuing Actions

STH  propagated new standards into the Calibration Plan (by Monday)

STH  finish looking at the spatial systematics in the UFTI standards data and
     new test data

MJI  compare FIRES project reduced data with ours

STH  email location of missing ISAAC data to JRL

STH  calibrate FIRES data using NICMOS or the published FIRES work

JRL  finish report on ISAAC reductions

ALL  any comments on Paul Hirst's User Guide to be sent to MJI,JRL by Monday
     evening (next telecon)

ALL  read V0.4 of the VISTA DFS UK User Requirements Document (again) and 
     provide comments for the next CASU meeting

New Actions

STH  add declination lines appropriate for WFCAM and VISTA zeniths to the
     calibration standards plot in the Calibration Plan

ALL  send in remaining Q1 reports to STH as soon as possible
MJI  work out remaining Q2 deliverables

MJI  ask Paul Aslin about progress with APM planning building works