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27th July 2004  Hoyle meeting room 10.30 - 12:30

Present:   JRL, PSB, MJI, DWE, WJS, STH, JMI
Apologies: RGM


1.  Actions from last meeting
2.  Comments on WFAU minutes
3.  VDMT quarterly meeting
4.  Q3 work plan
5.  Status of WFCAM
    - WFCAM ZPTs
    - JRL and MJI WFCAM crosstalk data from Morag Hastie
6.  VDFS VISTA stuff
    - VISTA UK URD and science examples
    - dicHEADs
    - QFITS
    - RIX responses
7.  Pipeline Processing update
    - virtual console server
    - APM2/APM3 rack mounting + RAIDs + virtual consoles
8.  AOB
    - APM building news
    - Grant updates


1.  Actions from last meeting

MJI  One correction to the last minutes didn't make it to the online
     version. The correct version will be  moved to the online location.   <<<<

MJI  has made some progress on the comparison of the FIRES project reduced 
     data with ours. The WCS parameters in the headers have been corrected
     and pipeline catalogues have been generated. MJI asked STH for the    <<<<
     location of the FIRES catalogues. There was also a discussion about
     different seeing-weighted stacking options. Ongoing.                  <<<<

JRL  have written a document describing requested enhancements of QFITS 
PSB  (+ some CPL). This should be circulated for all of us comment on.     <<<<
     Further QFITS discussion was deferred until item 6.
JRL  has obtained a copy of the crosstalk data and Morag Hastie's report 
     (see item 5).

STH  has emailed Simon Dye to request the generated MSBs that the survey 
     heads are responsible for.

JMI  has investigated setting up an external (to the APM building) 
     backup location. 2 GB of storage will be required. Where this would 
     go was discussed. It was decided to wait until /data/superstore was 
     set up (soon). rsync will not now be used since it requires the use 
     of root privileges.

WJS  has checked the latest URD and found no major problems.

ALL  the latest URD (version 0.7) can be found at
     Only a few comments in so far. The rest of us should read the new 
     version and send in comments. Ongoing.                                <<<<

ALL  sent in monthly reports and quarterly data to STH.

PSB  have commented on RIX response document.

PSB  has collated the RIX responses and sent them on to JPE.

MJI  has asked Peter Weeks regarding the storage of office equipment 
     during the building work. There has been no reply so far since 
     Peter is on holiday. MJI to chase up when Peter returns.              <<<<

2.  Comments on WFAU minutes

There were no comments on the last two sets of WFAU minutes.

3.  VDMT quarterly meeting

MJI reported that STH had lead a fascinating and lively discussion on 
progress metrics.  In a nutshell:  Earned Value = Weighted Completion 
ie. the summation of the current estimated percentage completion of each 
task weighted by the prior estimate of the effort required for the task 
at the start of the project, normalised by the sum of the weights.

E-Science funding was discussed. The Cambridge part of the VEGA bid for 
the period from October 2004 up to October 2007 involves ~4 FTEs. 
A JeS application  (RG2 equivalent) for the Cambridge element of the VEGA 
award has been prepared and sent in by Paul Aslin.

A statement of interest has been made regarding the processing of VST data
which is now being juggled between assorted PPARC committees.

There was some discussion of oversight committees and the possibility was
raised of inviting external agents to attend the quarterly meetings.

MJI said that JPE was keen on having a UK VDFS PDR, roughly scheduled for 
January.   This would require a complete document set to be delivered
by ~mid December taking into account the additional UK requirements.  
There was general concern that this may take a significant amount of work
in an already busy period.  It was noted that much of the documentation
required for a UK VDFS PDR existed but would require significant reworking.
The most efficient way of dealing with this would be to issue an extra
set of documents in addition to those submitted (by then) for the ESO FDR.

This all requires the timely completion and issue of the UK VDFS URD
ie. before the end of August.  The necessary effort to updated existing
documentation and to draw up and document any new processing strategy 
will be included in the September Q4 work plan.

It was noted that WFAU had requested CASU assistance in the selection of
candidates for their 2 posts.  This is anticipated to be at the shortlist

The next VDMT telecon meeting is a week on Friday (6 August).

4.  Q3 work plan

All were happy with the Q3 plan except PSB. He said that he would look at
the plan and comment on it by the end of the day.                         <<<<

5.  Status of WFCAM

Steve Warren forwarded AA's WFCAM status update to all UKIDSS consortium 
members: all is OK except for the optics. The optics problems (FWHM 2-3x 
larger than anticipated) are caused by the corrector plate.  Since the 
cost of a new blank is a significant part of the overall cost of the 
corrector, it has been decided to ship WFCAM immediately without the 
corrector so that the corrector can be refigured.  Commissioning, mainly
engineering, A/G and some detector characterisation, will go ahead as 
planned in September/October.  UKIRT will then revert to  normal use for 
the rest of the semester (November, December, January) in anticipation of
the remaining commissioning taking place shortly thereafter. 

The upshot of this is that CASU personnel will not be required to go out
for on sky characterisation until the New Year.  A modest series of 
relevant commissioning tests can be done in the Autumn but this can be 
initiated and dealt with remotely.

    - WFCAM ZPTs
The magnitude discrepancy in the zeropoints may have been resolved in 
favour of the more optimistic ones used in the CASU simulations and on the
UKIDSS web pages.
    - WFCAM crosstalk data from Morag Hastie

JRL reported on the crosstalk data received. Analysis of the data confirms
what was in the report. The strange +/- profile of the crosstalk images
could be due to a "bias" problem, however no bias frames were available
to check this out.  In order to get more information on this we apparently 
have to wait until September when the WFCAM PCs have been unpacked (sic!).

Various low level patterns along (readout) rows were seen in the data which 
appeared in adjacent channels and even within other quadrants, but did not 
persist between frames.

JRL was asked to acquire more data, specifically series of darks and flats 
from Derek Ives and to chase up the WFCAM acceptance test data from Paul 
Hirst.                                                                     <<<<

6.  VDFS VISTA stuff

    - VISTA UK URD and science examples

MJI went through four science examples that had been forwarded by Tim 
Naylor to append to the current version of the URD. He also had a few more 
detailed comments regarding the 0.7 version which he will email to WJS.    <<<<

    - dicHEADs

PSB said that the data dictionary is supposed to be sent to Michelle Peron
by 1 August. However, the VISTA-TCS dictionary has still not been issued,
although the interim DIC contains a set of new VISTA-specific TEL keywords
previously agreed.  There was some discussion about how best to proceed and 
in the end it was unanimoulsy decided that he should proceed by forwarding 
the current (interim) DIC to JPE for him to send to Michelle.              <<<<

    - QFITS

PSB went through the main enhancements CASU would like to see in QFITS: 
   * access to MEFs via [] notation, also extraction of arbitrary 
     sub-image sections
   * 8-bit BYTE and 16-bit INTEGER data types
   * seemless RICE tile compression and decompression
   * a WCS tools library
   * ugraded error handling
   * a more comprehensive User Guide 
   * CPL should handle more sophisticated weight maps (eg. confidence maps)

    - RIX responses

PSB said that these have been sent to JPE for comment.  It is unclear 
whether these have been passed on to Michelle Peron. STH will check on 
the status of this at the next VDMT.                                       <<<<

There was a general discussion of the need for a meeting (with Steven
Beard, Malcolm Stewart, Jim Emerson) to sort out some of the wider-ranging 
issues arising from the RIX responses, and agree on the more 
straightforward ones.  The earlier the but as August can be tricky it 
may be more pragmatic to aim for early September.  MJI said he would raise 
this at the VDMT.                                                          <<<<

7.  Pipeline Processing update


JMI reported that he has used a 250 Gbyte ~1 week chunk of IPHAS data 
as a dry run of the processing pipeline and progress monitoring scripts. 
The r' and H_alpha data went straight through with no major problems.  
The i' data processing fell over due to the usual problem of not having 
an alternative master library fringe frame in the correct place.           <<<<

Splitting the data by filter to the different processing computers 
worked very well in this case since the persistence problem is 

One problem encountered was that access to USNOB via VIZIER (sic!) was 
way too slow (as expected) and that a local copy needs to be used if
available.  JRL will be incorporating a local version of the calibration 
catalogues to fix this problem.  This is crucial for summit processing.    <<<<

[It was noted in passing that there was an online disc archive on La Palma 
of all ING data since Jul/Aug 2003. So it is now possible to get replacement
files of corrupted or missing data eg. the attempted COROT data dry run 
test which was postponed due to tape reading problems.]

The progress monitor worked fine during these trials, highlighting problem 
datasets as well as the overall pipeline progress.  There is also a monitor 
which shows the status of the various computers.

    - virtual console server
    - APM2/APM3 rack mounting + RAIDs + virtual consoles

JMI said that he had set up a virtual console server so that there was no
need to have a console for each computer. From these virtual consoles you
can access remotely the BIOS and perform various network operations which
before had to be carried out on the computer's console, implying apm2 and 
apm3 can therefore now be rack mounted together with their associated
RAID disk systems.                                                         <<<<

8.  AOB

    - APM building news

MJI said that various seemingly random people keep coming in to measure 
things, this may represent progress but ...... as there are no tenders 
for the work received yet, there are no firm dates.

    - Grant updates

Paul Aslin is helping MJI sort out the various grant left-overs 
(remaining CASU budget, Data Archives support, VDFS operations bid, 
research etc.) in lieu of a September grant bid for such sundry things.

Continuing Actions

MJI  cp correct version of the previous minutes to the online location

MJI  compare FIRES project reduced data catalogues with ours

ALL  read QFITS wish-list and send in comments

ALL  read latest version of URD (0.7)
     and send in comments

MJI  chase up Peter Weeks regarding the storage of office equipment 
     during the building work

New Actions

STH  provide location of FIRES catalogues to MJI

PSB  read Q3 plan and provide comments to STH by end of day

JRL  acquire any available darks or flats from Derek Ives
     and also acquire the acceptance test data from Paul Hirst

MJI  email his URD comments to WJS

PSB  forward DIC to JPE and suggest he in turn forwards it to Michelle 
     Peron even though the DIC is still not complete

STH  to check up on status of responses to RIX response document at next 
     VDMT meeting

MJI  raise question of organizing meeting to sort out some of the issues 
     arising from the RIXs at next VDMT meeting

JRL  update pipeline to more gracefully deal with lack of fringe (or 
     suitable flat) frames.
JRL  build in option of using local version of calibration catalogues
     in pipeline

JMI  rack mount apm2 and apm3 systems