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20th October 2004  Hoyle meeting room 10.00 - 12:30

Present:   JRL, PSB, MJI, DWE, WJS, STH, EGS
Apologies: RGM


1.  Actions from last meeting
2.  Comments on WFAU minutes
3.  VDMT quarterly meeting
4.  JAC telecon updates
5.  Survey Definition Tool document
6.  VST telecon report
7.  Status RIX responses and FDR preparation
8.  Updated ETC document
9.  APM building work update
10. AOB


1.  Actions from last meeting

MJI  has made no progress in comparing the FIRES project reduced data 
     catalogues with ours. It is important that this gets done before
     the UKIRT Board Meeting (11/12 November) - ongoing                    <<<<

STH  has made no progress investigating MSBs. This also should be done by the
     UKIRT Board Meeting. STH said that he was surprised that no further
     MSB designs had been submitted especially considering that First Light
     was going to occur within 48 hours - ongoing                          <<<<

STH  did not allocate a WP number to a subtask for sorting out the documents 
     needed for the UK VDFS review due the remit of this being changed

JRL  has finished the ADASS poster and showed it off so that we could all
     marvel at it

JRL  has started thinking about the ZPN WCS problem in IRAF. The crux of the
     problem is how to pass the information from the FITS header. This is 
     deeply buried within IRAF. He said that he has a few ideas and will 
     work on this during the ADASS trip - ongoing                          <<<<

MJI  forgot to prod NAW regarding Rice compression. He will do so the next
     time they are in the same part of the universe - ongoing              <<<<

PSB  Have looked into UKLight networking. This is an experimental 10 Gbit
STH  backbone. Projects which needed large bandwidth were supposed to apply 
     to use the project. We would also need to acquire some infrastructure to
     connect to this network. The idea is that the experience of UKLight
     (funded to 2005) would be passed on to SuperJanet5. It was generally
     thought that we should wait for SuperJanet5 anyway since we missed the
STH  obtained an example ETC document (VIRMOS) that sort of "conforms" to 
     V2 of 1618.  It has proven a useful level reference.
STH  has added saturation to the ETC document

JRL  has written an example programme to assess CPL functionality. He added
     that Version 2 of CPL has not been released yet and that the current
     version was not compatible with the current QFITS version.  Also the 
     correct recipe template was not compatible with either!  He has managed
     a workaround to these problems.

JMI  has managed to recover most of the data from the RAID array failure of
     apm3. An email has been sent around to inform people of what they should
     do. It looks like STH is the only one who has lost significant amounts of
     data. MJI asked that this be sorted out quickly so that the system 
     dumps can be deleted.                                                 <<<<

MJI  contacted Peter Weeks about the junk that needed removing from the APM
     building and removed it.

PSB  have liaised with the electrician regarding the security camera
MJI  and fibre optic cabling routed through the APM building. This has
     now been labelled and protected.

MJI  reported that the first APM buildings meeting was held (today - see
     item 9). The next one will be on 17th November.

ALL  had sent in Q3m3 reports and Q4 plans to STH

ALL  JRL reported that he and PSB had carried out extensive field trials and
     have chosen the Blue Lion in Hardwick for the CASU Christmas Lunch. This
     will be held on 17th December, target number is ~30 people.  Jeannette
     will help organise it.

2.  Comments on WFAU minutes

No comments.

3.  VDMT quarterly meeting

This was held on 6 October. MJI reported on a couple of points from this
meeting. The schedule for FDR is now 15 December for the delivery of
documents, with the FDR itself to be arranged at the end of January in
Garching. The dates have still to be confirmed by ESO. It was also pointed 
out that the new version of 1618 has meant a number of changes to the 
documents that are intended to be delivered.

A compromise has been reached regarding the UK PDR.  Only the new (extra)
requirements from the UK VDFS URD not covered by the existing pipeline 
will require extra documentation for reviewing at the UK PDR. This PDR is
likely to be held around Spring 2005. 

At this meeting it was also noted that there was an action on STH to invite 
Simon Dye to Cambridge to discuss various aspects of the pipelines, to
demonstrate some of the pipeline functionality, and to discuss the FIRES 
data comparison.                                                           <<<<

4.  JAC telecon updates

The last JAC telecon (11 October) was a no-show from JAC! The next one is
tonight. Various issues for discussion were aired.

STH said that sky brightness variations/monitoring needed to be discussed. 
The current plan is only to monitor sky brightness in J, since H and K sky 
are supposedly well correlated with it.  However, it was pointed out that 
this relationship may be somewhat variable.

It is intended that the calibration for narrow-band photometry would be
carried out in a similar fashion to that for broad-band photometry ie. 
Vega-based with the usual colour terms. STH said he would investigate 
what spectrophotometry was available in the NIR.                           <<<<

JRL said that he would be in Hawaii from 17 November to 1 December. He also
reported that he has written some 20 observing recipes for the commissioning 
run.  There was some discussion as to appropriate "recipe" names for these.

5.  Survey Definition Tool document

There have been several iterations of comments recently concerning Martin 
Folger's Survey Definition Tool (SDT) document.  This discussion was carried
on further at the meeting and the salient points are summarised below.

PSB noted that the coordinate system to be used should be based on the ICRS
(as the available astrometric standards catalogues are), in which case
the equinox issue is simple.  The ICRS requires no equinox and to a good
approximation, from the targetting point-of-view, is equivalent to J2000 
(FK5).  Support for B1950 seems redundant and a hostage to fortune.

Surprise was expressed that no proper motion could be input for a guide star. 
When a guide star position is given it must be pre-entered as a fixed 
position including an estimated proper motion correction.  This explains the 
rather odd comment in the document re: 2010.

There was also concern that it seemed that the SDT could not generate 
more closely packed pointings within a tile. However, WJS pointed out that
you could do this yourself using the upload function and a file containing
your pointings. Related to this was the suggestion that a default grid might
be useful to have. WJS said that he would contact Martin Folger regarding
this and would also collate all the other extra comments received and 
forward them too.   	       	   	 	  	       	       	   <<<<

There was a request for WJS to provide us with an up-to-date version of the
SDT document shortly before the next CASU meeting.	     	     	   <<<<

STH said that he would ask Martin Folger/Paul Hirst if the WFCAM SDT would 
also be capable of uploading a file of pointings.   	      	  	   <<<<

There was then some discussion regarding the limitation of only using one
guide star. While the VLT software only supports using one guide star, VISTA 
has the hardware capability for using two.  By cloning the VLT telescope
control software VISTA will only be able to make use one of these at any one
time.  WJS has in the past suggested to the VISTA project that monitoring 
two guide stars would be good, since there are three potential variables 
(x,y, theta).  PSB asked if the positions of the two guide stars could be
combined and a single x,y correction issued.  WJS said he would inquire.   <<<<

6.  VST telecon report

WJS reported on the VST telecon that was held on 6th October. An email has
been circulated summarizing the meeting.

Various projects were mentioned ranging from deep surveys (the Cosmos and
SWIRE fields) to the shallow (KiDS and a survey in I and/or Z covering about
1000 square degrees led by Steve Warren), Galactic plane Halpha,r,i surveys 
and so on.

Statements of Intent have been sent and the formal bids will be sent in
January. The end result is that there will undoubtedly be some UK VST data
processing requirement.  CASU will tender for this in our next grant bid.

WJS also mentioned the SkyMapper project at Siding Springs (son-of-MACHO
1.3m 5 sq deg fov target Southern sky atlas) which has received funding.

7.  Status RIX responses and FDR preparation

PSB said that he has received the latest Camera Document from Steven Beard
which has a simplified template structure (a RIX request). This had
implications for our Calibration Plan which haven't all been followed
through yet.

PSB then described the Data Reduction Library Design document and went
through each section of the current version. The main comments noted were:

 S2: This is where the flat-fielding and fringing equations need to go. MJI 
     said that he would condense what is in the "paper" and place it here. 
     There was also a need for a brief mathematical desciption of the image
     detection and basic catalogue generation parameters relevant for 
     generating QC information.  MJI will also supply this.                <<<<
 S3: Modified versions of STH's diagrams go here.	    	     	   <<<<
 S5: It was unclear what needed to go into this section. JRL said that he
     would inquire of ESO attendees at ADASS.                              <<<<

There was a request to find out the latest schedule. MJI said that he 
would investigate.    	    	    	   	     	      	      	   <<<<

We were all encouraged to read through the document by the next meeting.   <<<<

8.  Updated ETC document

After an initial discussion on PDF files from Macs having problems being
printed on the Suns, STH said that the overall structure of the ETC document
was fine. There was some discussion on sky brightness input requirements
and it was suggested that we adopt something similar to WFCAM ie.
the ETC tool offers three suggested levels: average, high, and low.

It was suggested that STH look at some other ETCs that are similar to those
of ESO to get an idea regarding design.  It was noted that supplying an ETC 
as close as possible to the standard ESO format/style would minimise 
secondary interface issues and would lead to a cleaner interface between 
the CASU supplied software modules and the ESO visualisation backend.

The next version of the ETC document will be out early next week. Comments
on this version are requested asap.	    	    	    	       	   <<<<

9.  APM building work update

MJI reported on the liaison meeting that was held this morning. The APM
building has been cleared out (gutted).  There have been a few slight
delays due to various things (eg. tree pruning -v- scaffolding) but nothing 
major.  The carpenters and brickies arrive tomorrow and begin 

There has also been a slight delay due to subtleties required for the design
of the new (non-flat!!) roof. Since preservation order trees overhang the 
whole building non-standard schemes for constructing the roof are required.

Other items of note are that the existing emergency exit will be part 
glazed and the new window surrounds will be quoined probably using existing
bricks.  The majority of power distribution sockets will be at skirting 
board level and the kitchen area will (actually) get some power sockets.

PSB noted that the overall power distribution to the racks will come from
underfloor commando sockets which will drive (smart) power distribution units
(24 or 32 power outlets) within each rack.  These enable programmable power 
startup sequencing so that the whole power network is not overloaded on 
startup in the event of power failures.  Also servers and comms systems 
equipment can be set to come back up first as needed.  This seems like a 
neat solution to the rack power supply distribution problem.

10. AOB

EGS said that he had revamped the INT Wide Field Camera web pages and
described some of the changes.  He will email the location of the new pages 
to the rest of the group so that we can provide comments before they are 
released to the Universe.               	      	       	           <<<<

There was a discussion regarding the Sybase disks on cass38. MJI said that 
he would like to retire the old failing disks now that replacements are in 
situ.  He will sort this out with JRL (who had left early).

PSB raised the issue of ESO workstations. These are systems that are loaded
with ESO software and have a specific operating system on them. This
guarantees that the software will work (sic!) and various components will 
be compatible with each other.  This used to be restricted to expensive HP 
machines only, but now includes inexpensive Linux systems running Red Hat 9!  
A system like this will be required in order to test out various bits of 
software. PSB volunteered to draw up a specification so that we can plan 
for acquiring one in the near future.		    	    	           <<<<

Continuing Actions

MJI  compare FIRES project reduced data catalogues with ours. It would be
     good to finish this before the UKIRT Board Meeting (11/12 November)
STH  investigate GPS MSBs (and any others obtained via Simon Dye).
     This also should be done by the UKIRT Board Meeting.

JRL  solve ZPN WCS problem in IRAF

MJI  remind NAW about the benefits of Rice compression for the VO

STH  sort out which bits of his data are missing from apm3 RAID array

New Actions

STH  invite Simon Dye to Cambridge to discuss FIRES manual comparison
     and to discuss pipeline functionality.

STH  investigate what spectrophotometry is available in the NIR to nail
     the narrowband filter calibration issue

WJS  collate the extra comments received about the VISTA SDT document and 
     forward them to Martin Folger

WJS  provide an up-to-date version of the VISTA SDT document before the
     next CASU meeting

STH  ask Martin Folger/Paul Hirst if the WFCAM SDT can upload a file of 

MJI  provide an instrumental signature removal section, and a catalogue
     section for section 2 of the DRLD document
STH  provide diagrams for section 3 of DRLD document

JRL  inquire of ESO personnel at ADASS what should go in section 5 of the
     DRLD document

MJI  investigate the latest VISTA deliverables schedule

ALL  read through the DRLD document and provide comments by next meeting

ALL  read through ETC document and provide comments by next meeting

EGS  distribute location of revamped INT Wide Field Camera web pages

ALL  comment on revamped ING Wide Field Camera web pages

PSB  draw up a specification for an ESO workstation