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Naming Convention

Files are named as follows:

  • Dark frames: their name combines the night of observation, DIT and NDIT.  These are all taken in CDS mode so there is no readout mode in the name. Example:
  • Flatfield images and confidence maps: flats are constructed approximately every month and their names are formed by combining the filter name and date (mmmyyyy) of observation. The respective confidence map has conf in place of flat in the filename. Examples: and  Note that some earlier examples have the full date name in the form (yyyymmdd).
  • Sky frames: combine the date of observation followed by the run number of the first image which contributes to the sky frame followed by the filter name. Example:
  • Single pawprint images: they start with v (for VIRCAM) followed by the observing night and the run number (which starts at 1 every night). Example:
  • Stacked pawprint images and confidence maps: they get the name from the first pawprint image which goes to the stack appending _st to the filename. The confidence map filename appends _conf to the name of the stack. Example: and
  • Catalogues from stacked pawprint images: the file extension is changed to .fits instead of .fit and _cat is appended to the name of the stacked imaged they are obtained from. Example: v20091210_00023_st_cat.fits
  • Tile products: inherit the name of the first stacked pawprint used in their construction and have _tl appended to the root filename.  Examples:  v20091210_00023_st_tl_cat.fits