SIMPLE = T / Standard FITS format (NOST-100.0)

BITPIX = 16 / # of bits storing pix values

NAXIS = 0 / # of axes in frame

EXTEND = T / Extension may be present

ORIGIN = 'ESO-PARANAL' / European Southern Observatory

DATE = '2013-02-27T01:06:06.201' / UT date when this file was written

TELESCOP= 'ESO-VST ' / ESO Telescope Name

INSTRUME= 'OMEGACAM' / Instrument used.

OBJECT = 'Carina Nebula' / Original target.

RA = 161.299212 / 10:45:11.8 RA (J2000) pointing (deg)

DEC = -59.84416 / -59:50:38.9 DEC (J2000) pointing (deg)

EQUINOX = 2000. / Standard FK5 (years)

RADECSYS= 'FK5 ' / Coordinate reference frame

EXPTIME = 400.0000 / Total integration time

MJD-OBS = 56350.041248725 / MJD start (2013-02-27T00:59:23.890)

DATE-OBS= '2013-02-27T00:59:23.889' / Date of observation

UTC = 3553.000 / 00:59:13.000 UTC at start (sec)

LST = 24344.541 / 06:45:44.541 LST at start (sec)

PI-COI = 'UNKNOWN ' / PI-COI name.

OBSERVER= 'UNKNOWN ' / Name of observer.

HIERARCH ESO ADA ABSROT END = 104.78713 / Abs rot angle at exp end (deg)

HIERARCH ESO ADA ABSROT PPOS = 'POS ' / sign of probe position

HIERARCH ESO ADA ABSROT START= 103.14163 / Abs rot angle at exp start (deg)

HIERARCH ESO ADA GUID STATUS = 'OFF ' / Status of autoguider

HIERARCH ESO ADA POSANG = 0.00000 / Position angle at start

HIERARCH ESO DET BITS = 16 / Bits per pixel readout

HIERARCH ESO DET CHIPS = 32 / # of chips in detector array

HIERARCH ESO DET DATE = '2004-11-10' / Installation date

HIERARCH ESO DET DEC = 0.000000000 / Apparent 00:00:00.0 DEC at start


HIERARCH ESO DET EXP NO = 411 / Unique exposure ID number

HIERARCH ESO DET EXP RDTTIME = 30.633 / image readout time

HIERARCH ESO DET EXP TYPE = 'Normal ' / Exposure type

HIERARCH ESO DET EXP XFERTIM = 30.548 / image transfer time

HIERARCH ESO DET FRAM ID = 1 / Image sequencial number

HIERARCH ESO DET FRAM TYPE = 'Normal ' / Frame type

HIERARCH ESO DET ID = 'CCD FIERA - Rev: 52833' / Detector system Id

HIERARCH ESO DET NAME = 'ocmsci1 - ocmsci1' / Name of detector system

HIERARCH ESO DET OUTPUTS = 32 / # of outputs

HIERARCH ESO DET OUTREF = 0 / reference output

HIERARCH ESO DET RA = 0.000000000 / Apparent 00:00:00.0 RA at start

HIERARCH ESO DET READ CLOCK = 'mosaic read (ordered)' / Readout clock pattern u

HIERARCH ESO DET READ MODE = 'normal ' / Readout method

HIERARCH ESO DET READ NFRAM = 1 / Number of readouts buffered in sin

HIERARCH ESO DET READ SPEED = 'normal ' / Readout speed

HIERARCH ESO DET SHUT ID = 'OmegaCAM (Bonn) SE132' / Shutter unique identifi

HIERARCH ESO DET SHUT TMCLOS = -0.804 / Time taken to close shutter

HIERARCH ESO DET SHUT TMOPEN = -0.804 / Time taken to open shutter

HIERARCH ESO DET SHUT TYPE = 'curtain ' / type of shutter

HIERARCH ESO DET SOFW MODE = 'Normal ' / CCD sw operational mode

HIERARCH ESO DET TELE INT = 600.0 / Interval between two successive te

HIERARCH ESO DET TELE NO = 22 / # of sources active

HIERARCH ESO DET TLM1 END = 147.000 / Telemetry value at read completion

HIERARCH ESO DET TLM1 ID = 'SE132 ' / ID of telemetry sensor

HIERARCH ESO DET TLM1 NAME = 'Mosaicplate out' / Description of telemetry para

HIERARCH ESO DET TLM1 START = 147.000 / Telemetry value at read start

HIERARCH ESO DET TLM10 END = 288.100 / Telemetry value at read completion

HIERARCH ESO DET TLM10 ID = 'SE20 ' / ID of telemetry sensor

HIERARCH ESO DET TLM10 NAME = 'Bottom Heat Exc' / Description of telemetry para

HIERARCH ESO DET TLM10 START = 288.100 / Telemetry value at read start

HIERARCH ESO DET TLM2 END = 0.000 / Telemetry value at read completion

HIERARCH ESO DET TLM2 ID = 'SE8 ' / ID of telemetry sensor

HIERARCH ESO DET TLM2 NAME = 'Cryostat Vacuum' / Description of telemetry para

HIERARCH ESO DET TLM2 START = 0.000 / Telemetry value at read start

HIERARCH ESO DET TLM3 END = 288.500 / Telemetry value at read completion

HIERARCH ESO DET TLM3 ID = 'SE10 ' / ID of telemetry sensor

HIERARCH ESO DET TLM3 NAME = 'Fiera 1 ps' / Description of telemetry param.

HIERARCH ESO DET TLM3 START = 288.500 / Telemetry value at read start

HIERARCH ESO DET TLM4 END = 287.400 / Telemetry value at read completion

HIERARCH ESO DET TLM4 ID = 'SE11 ' / ID of telemetry sensor

HIERARCH ESO DET TLM4 NAME = 'Fiera 1 dfe' / Description of telemetry param.

HIERARCH ESO DET TLM4 START = 287.400 / Telemetry value at read start

HIERARCH ESO DET TLM5 END = 291.200 / Telemetry value at read completion

HIERARCH ESO DET TLM5 ID = 'SE12 ' / ID of telemetry sensor

HIERARCH ESO DET TLM5 NAME = 'Fiera 2 ps' / Description of telemetry param.

HIERARCH ESO DET TLM5 START = 291.200 / Telemetry value at read start

HIERARCH ESO DET TLM6 END = 287.400 / Telemetry value at read completion

HIERARCH ESO DET TLM6 ID = 'SE13 ' / ID of telemetry sensor

HIERARCH ESO DET TLM6 NAME = 'Fiera 2 dfe' / Description of telemetry param.

HIERARCH ESO DET TLM6 START = 287.400 / Telemetry value at read start

HIERARCH ESO DET TLM7 END = 290.500 / Telemetry value at read completion

HIERARCH ESO DET TLM7 ID = 'SE14 ' / ID of telemetry sensor

HIERARCH ESO DET TLM7 NAME = 'Fiera 3 ps' / Description of telemetry param.

HIERARCH ESO DET TLM7 START = 290.500 / Telemetry value at read start

HIERARCH ESO DET TLM8 END = 286.700 / Telemetry value at read completion

HIERARCH ESO DET TLM8 ID = 'SE15 ' / ID of telemetry sensor

HIERARCH ESO DET TLM8 NAME = 'Fiera 3 dfe' / Description of telemetry param.

HIERARCH ESO DET TLM8 START = 286.700 / Telemetry value at read start

HIERARCH ESO DET TLM9 END = 114.700 / Telemetry value at read completion

HIERARCH ESO DET TLM9 ID = 'SE19 ' / ID of telemetry sensor

HIERARCH ESO DET TLM9 NAME = 'Top Heat Exchan' / Description of telemetry para

HIERARCH ESO DET TLM9 START = 114.700 / Telemetry value at read start

HIERARCH ESO DET WIN1 BINX = 1 / Binning factor along X

HIERARCH ESO DET WIN1 BINY = 1 / Binning factor along Y

HIERARCH ESO DET WIN1 DIT1 = 400.000000 / actual subintegration time

HIERARCH ESO DET WIN1 DKTM = 400.3164 / Dark current time

HIERARCH ESO DET WIN1 NDIT = 1 / # of subintegrations

HIERARCH ESO DET WIN1 NX = 17152 / # of pixels along X

HIERARCH ESO DET WIN1 NY = 16800 / # of pixels along Y

HIERARCH ESO DET WIN1 ST = T / If T, window enabled

HIERARCH ESO DET WIN1 STRX = 1 / Lower left pixel in X

HIERARCH ESO DET WIN1 STRY = 1 / Lower left pixel in Y

HIERARCH ESO DET WIN1 UIT1 = 400.000000 / user defined subintegration time

HIERARCH ESO DET WINDOWS = 1 / # of windows readout

HIERARCH ESO DPR CATG = 'SCIENCE ' / Observation category

HIERARCH ESO DPR TECH = 'IMAGE,DITHER' / Observation technique

HIERARCH ESO DPR TYPE = 'OBJECT ' / Observation type

HIERARCH ESO INS DATE = '2002-01-31' / Instrument release date (yyyy-mm-d


HIERARCH ESO INS FILT1 ID = 'PS30 ' / Filter unique id.

HIERARCH ESO INS FILT1 NAME = 'NB_659 ' / Filter name.

HIERARCH ESO INS FILT1 NO = 11 / Pos 1-6=Mag.A 7-12=Mag.B 0=NO Filt

HIERARCH ESO INS FILT1 SWSIM = F / If T, function is software simulat

HIERARCH ESO INS ID = 'OMEGACAM/1.60' / Instrument ID.

HIERARCH ESO INS MODE = 'IMAGING ' / Instrument mode used.


HIERARCH ESO INS SENS1 NAME = 'Lamps current' / sensor common name.

HIERARCH ESO INS SENS1 VAL = 0.000 / [A] Calibration Lamps Current


HIERARCH ESO INS SENS2 NAME = 'Flow Cooling Fluid IN of Ins' / sensor common na

HIERARCH ESO INS SENS2 VAL = 6.22 / [l/min] Instr Cool. Fluid Flow IN


HIERARCH ESO INS SENS3 NAME = 'Diff flow Cooling Fluid of Ins' / sensor common

HIERARCH ESO INS SENS3 VAL = -0.21 / [l/min] Instr Cool. Fluid Flow DIF

HIERARCH ESO INS SHUT1 SWSIM = F / If T, function is software simulat

HIERARCH ESO INS SWSIM = 'NORMAL ' / Software simulation.

HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP11 ID = 'TFS ' / Temperature sensor ID.

HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP11 NAME = 'Temp. Filter System' / Temperature sensor name.

HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP11 VAL = 20.2 / [DEG C] Filter system temperature

HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP12 ID = 'TFCL1 ' / Temperature sensor ID.

HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP12 NAME = 'Temp. FIERA Cooling Liquid IN' / Temperature sen

HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP12 VAL = 10.3 / [DEG C] FIERA Cooling Liquid IN T

HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP13 ID = 'TFCL2 ' / Temperature sensor ID.

HIERARCH ESO INS TEMP13 NAME = 'Temp. FIERA Cooling Liquid OUT' / Temperature se


HIERARCH ESO OBS AIRM = 5.0 / Req. max. airmass

HIERARCH ESO OBS AMBI FWHM = 2.0 / Req. max. seeing

HIERARCH ESO OBS AMBI TRANS = '4THK ' / Req. sky transparency

HIERARCH ESO OBS ATM = 'NATM ' / Req. Atmospheric Turbulence Model

HIERARCH ESO OBS CONTAINER ID= -999 / Scheduling container ID

HIERARCH ESO OBS CONTAINER TYPE= 'U ' / Scheduling container type


HIERARCH ESO OBS EXECTIME = 2585 / Expected execution time

HIERARCH ESO OBS GRP = '0 ' / linked blocks

HIERARCH ESO OBS ID = 768517 / Observation block ID

HIERARCH ESO OBS MOON DIST = 50 / Req. min. angular dist. from moon

HIERARCH ESO OBS MOON FLI = 1.0 / Req. max. fractional lunar illum.

HIERARCH ESO OBS NAME = 'Carina_NB_569' / OB name




HIERARCH ESO OBS PROG ID = '60.A-9800(Q)' / ESO program identification

HIERARCH ESO OBS START = '2013-02-27T00:40:53' / OB start time

HIERARCH ESO OBS STREHLRATIO = 0.0 / Req. strehl ratio

HIERARCH ESO OBS STRTG = 'Deep ' / Observing strategy

HIERARCH ESO OBS TARG NAME = 'Carina Nebula' / OB target name

HIERARCH ESO OBS TPLNO = 2 / Template number within OB


HIERARCH ESO OBS WATERVAPOUR = 0.0 / Req. water vapour


HIERARCH ESO OCS GS1 ALPHA = 105022.941 / RA of Guide Star [HHMMSS.TTT].

HIERARCH ESO OCS GS1 BACKGNAVG= 149.804 / Average over the exposure of the b

HIERARCH ESO OCS GS1 BACKGNRMS= 10.243 / RMS over the exposure of the backg

HIERARCH ESO OCS GS1 DELTA = -594656.045 / DEC of Guide Star [[+-]DDMMSS.TTT]

HIERARCH ESO OCS GS1 ERDECRMS= 0.000000 / RMS of error in DEC

HIERARCH ESO OCS GS1 ERRARMS = 0.000000 / RMS of error in RA

HIERARCH ESO OCS GS1 FLUXAVG = 179340.140 / Avg flux over the exposure in ADUs

HIERARCH ESO OCS GS1 FLUXRMS = 58294.375 / RMS over the exposure of the flux,

HIERARCH ESO OCS GS1 ID = 'UNKNOWN ' / ID of guide star in catalog

HIERARCH ESO OCS GS1 MAG = -100.0 / Magnitude of guide star in catalog

HIERARCH ESO OCS GS1 XCENAVG = 1341.223 / Avg centroid X pos over the exposu

HIERARCH ESO OCS GS1 XCENRMS = 66.465 / RMS of centroid X pos over the exp

HIERARCH ESO OCS GS1 XFWHMAVG= 7.640 / Avg X FWHM over the exposure.

HIERARCH ESO OCS GS1 XFWHMRMS= 0.474 / RMS over the exposure of the FWHM

HIERARCH ESO OCS GS1 YCENAVG = 5218.400 / Avg centroid Y pos over the exposu

HIERARCH ESO OCS GS1 YCENRMS = 207.913 / RMS of centroid Y pos over the exp

HIERARCH ESO OCS GS1 YFWHMAVG= 7.408 / Avg Y FWHM over the exposure.

HIERARCH ESO OCS GS1 YFWHMRMS= 0.376 / RMS over the exposure of the FWHM

HIERARCH ESO OCS GS2 ALPHA = 104011.483 / RA of Guide Star [HHMMSS.TTT].

HIERARCH ESO OCS GS2 BACKGNAVG= 134.452 / Average over the exposure of the b

HIERARCH ESO OCS GS2 BACKGNRMS= 8.066 / RMS over the exposure of the backg

HIERARCH ESO OCS GS2 DELTA = -595758.680 / DEC of Guide Star [[+-]DDMMSS.TTT]

HIERARCH ESO OCS GS2 ERDECRMS= 0.000000 / RMS of error in DEC

HIERARCH ESO OCS GS2 ERRARMS = 0.000000 / RMS of error in RA

HIERARCH ESO OCS GS2 FLUXAVG = 42493.085 / Avg flux over the exposure in ADUs

HIERARCH ESO OCS GS2 FLUXRMS = 16694.118 / RMS over the exposure of the flux,

HIERARCH ESO OCS GS2 ID = 'UNKNOWN ' / ID of guide star in catalog

HIERARCH ESO OCS GS2 MAG = -100.0 / Magnitude of guide star in catalog

HIERARCH ESO OCS GS2 XCENAVG = 1281.410 / Avg centroid X pos over the exposu

HIERARCH ESO OCS GS2 XCENRMS = 66.742 / RMS of centroid X pos over the exp

HIERARCH ESO OCS GS2 XFWHMAVG= 7.363 / Avg X FWHM over the exposure.

HIERARCH ESO OCS GS2 XFWHMRMS= 1.001 / RMS over the exposure of the FWHM

HIERARCH ESO OCS GS2 YCENAVG = 2165.629 / Avg centroid Y pos over the exposu

HIERARCH ESO OCS GS2 YCENRMS = 212.474 / RMS of centroid Y pos over the exp

HIERARCH ESO OCS GS2 YFWHMAVG= 8.634 / Avg Y FWHM over the exposure.

HIERARCH ESO OCS GS2 YFWHMRMS= 0.924 / RMS over the exposure of the FWHM

HIERARCH ESO TEL ADC ST = F / ADC state, if T ADC is in path.

HIERARCH ESO TEL AIRM END = 1.663 / Airmass at end

HIERARCH ESO TEL AIRM START = 1.696 / Airmass at start

HIERARCH ESO TEL ALT = 36.055 / Alt angle at start (deg)

HIERARCH ESO TEL AMBI FWHM END= 1.04 / Seeing queried from ASM (arcsec)

HIERARCH ESO TEL AMBI FWHM START= 1.26 / Seeing queried from ASM (arcsec)

HIERARCH ESO TEL AMBI PRES END= 743.50 / Air pressure from ASM (hPa)

HIERARCH ESO TEL AMBI PRES START= 743.55 / Air pressure from ASM (hPa)

HIERARCH ESO TEL AMBI RHUM = 44. / Relative humidity from ASM

HIERARCH ESO TEL AMBI TAU0 = 0.002708 / Average coherence time (s)

HIERARCH ESO TEL AMBI TEMP = 14.60 / Amb temp from ASM (deg C)

HIERARCH ESO TEL AMBI WINDDIR= 126. / Wind direction (N=0 E=90) (deg)

HIERARCH ESO TEL AMBI WINDSP = 6.57 / Wind speed from ASM (m/s)

HIERARCH ESO TEL AZ = 327.527 / Az angle at start (deg) S=0,W=90

HIERARCH ESO TEL CHOP ST = F / True when chopping is active

HIERARCH ESO TEL DATE = '2011-05-10T24:00:00.0' / TCS installation date

HIERARCH ESO TEL DID = 'ESO-VLT-DIC.TCS' / Data dictionary for TEL


HIERARCH ESO TEL FOCU ID = 'CA ' / Telescope focus station ID

HIERARCH ESO TEL FOCU LEN = 14.497 / Focal length (m)

HIERARCH ESO TEL FOCU SCALE = 14.267 / Focal scale (arcsec/mm)

HIERARCH ESO TEL FOCU VALUE = 0.523 / M2 setting (mm)

HIERARCH ESO TEL GEOELEV = 2648. / Elevation above sea level (m)

HIERARCH ESO TEL GEOLAT = -24.6251 / Tel geo latitute (+=North) (deg)

HIERARCH ESO TEL GEOLON = -70.4027 / Tel geo longitude (+=East) (deg)

HIERARCH ESO TEL ID = 'v 231542' / TCS version number

HIERARCH ESO TEL MOON DEC = -0.75394 / -00:45:14.1 DEC (J2000) (deg)

HIERARCH ESO TEL MOON RA = 172.933369 / 11:31:44.0 RA (J2000) (deg)

HIERARCH ESO TEL OPER = 'I, Respiri' / Telescope Operator

HIERARCH ESO TEL PARANG END = -75.155 / Parallactic angle at end (deg)

HIERARCH ESO TEL PARANG START= -76.798 / Parallactic angle at start (deg)

HIERARCH ESO TEL TARG ALPHA = 104508.500 / Alpha coordinate for the target

HIERARCH ESO TEL TARG COORDTYPE= 'M ' / Coordinate type (M=mean A=apparent

HIERARCH ESO TEL TARG DELTA = -595204.000 / Delta coordinate for the target


HIERARCH ESO TEL TARG EPOCHSYSTEM= 'J ' / Epoch system (default J=Julian)



HIERARCH ESO TEL TARG PMA = 0.000000 / Proper Motion Alpha

HIERARCH ESO TEL TARG PMD = 0.000000 / Proper motion Delta

HIERARCH ESO TEL TARG RADVEL = 0.000 / Radial velocity

HIERARCH ESO TEL TH M1 TEMP = 14.18 / M1 superficial temperature (deg C)


HIERARCH ESO TPL DID = 'ESO-VLT-DIC.TPL-1.9' / Data dictionary for TPL

HIERARCH ESO TPL EXPNO = 2 / Exposure number within template

HIERARCH ESO TPL ID = 'OMEGACAM_img_obs_dither' / Template signature ID

HIERARCH ESO TPL NAME = 'OMEGACAM dither mode sequence' / Template name

HIERARCH ESO TPL NEXP = 5 / Number of exposures within templat

HIERARCH ESO TPL PRESEQ = 'OMEGACAM_img_obs_dither.seq' / Sequencer script

HIERARCH ESO TPL START = '2013-02-27T00:51:47' / TPL start time

HIERARCH ESO TPL VERSION = '1.0 ' / Version of the template

ORIGFILE= 'OMEGACAM_IMG_OBS058_0002.fits' / Original File Name

ARCFILE = 'OMEGA.2013-02-27T00:59:23.889.fits' / Archive File Name

PREVIEWV= '$Id: preview,v 1.14 2012-12-05 10:14:23 jim Exp $' / Version of previ

SOFTVERS= '$Revision: 1.193 $' / CIRDR Version

SOFTDATE= '$Date: 2012-12-05 10:38:32 $' / CIRDR release date

SOFTAUTH= 'Jim Lewis <jrl@ast.cam.ac.uk>' / Contact for bug reports

SOFTINST= 'CASU: http://casu.ast.cam.ac.uk' / CASU URL

CASUVERS= 'omegacam version 1.0' / CASU Release Version Number

OSA_TIME= '130226130416135507' / OSA time stamp

OSA_MFID= 93587 / OSA Multiframe ID

ESOGRADE= ' ' / ESO grade

OBSTATUS= ' ' / ESO OB status


XTENSION= 'IMAGE ' / binary table extension

BITPIX = 32 / data type of original image

NAXIS = 2 / dimension of original image

NAXIS1 = 2048 / length of original image axis

NAXIS2 = 4100 / length of original image axis

PCOUNT = 0 / size of special data area

GCOUNT = 1 / one data group (required keyword)

EXTNAME = 'ESO_CCD_#65' / Extension name

ORIGIN = 'ESO-PARANAL' / European Southern Observatory

DATE = '2013-02-27T01:06:06.201' / UT date when this file was written

CTYPE1 = 'RA---TAN' / Pixel coordinate system

CTYPE2 = 'DEC--TAN' / Pixel coordinate system

CRPIX1 = 8548.48072444713 / Ref. pixel of center of rotation

CRPIX2 = 8560.6874269743 / Ref. pixel of center of rotation

CRVAL1 = 161.314033608927 / [deg] %HOURANG Value of ref pixel

CRVAL2 = -59.8390737261204 / [deg] %DEGREE Value of ref pixel

CD1_1 = 5.92537094001499E-05 / WCS transform matrix element

CD2_1 = 6.39367392552276E-08 / WCS transform matrix element

CD1_2 = -6.50108951710885E-08 / WCS transform matrix element

CD2_2 = 5.92337649436531E-05 / WCS transform matrix element

HIERARCH ESO DET CHIP DATE = '2004-06-01' / Date of installation [YYYY-MM-DD]

HIERARCH ESO DET CHIP ID = 'ESO_CCD_#65' / Detector chip identification


HIERARCH ESO DET CHIP NAME = 'e2vCCD44-82' / Detector chip name

HIERARCH ESO DET CHIP NX = 2048 / # of pixels along X

HIERARCH ESO DET CHIP NY = 4100 / # of pixels along Y

HIERARCH ESO DET CHIP PSZX = 15.0 / Size of pixel in X

HIERARCH ESO DET CHIP PSZY = 15.0 / Size of pixel in Y

HIERARCH ESO DET CHIP X = 1 / X location in array

HIERARCH ESO DET CHIP XGAP = 1500.000000 / Gap between chips along x

HIERARCH ESO DET CHIP Y = 1 / Y location in array

HIERARCH ESO DET CHIP YGAP = 5640.000000 / Gap between chips along y

HIERARCH ESO DET OUT1 CHIP = 1 / Chip to which the output belongs

HIERARCH ESO DET OUT1 CONAD = 2.08 / Conversion from ADUs to electrons

HIERARCH ESO DET OUT1 GAIN = 0.48 / Conversion from electrons to ADU

HIERARCH ESO DET OUT1 ID = 'L ' / Output ID as from manufacturer

HIERARCH ESO DET OUT1 INDEX = 1 / Output index

HIERARCH ESO DET OUT1 NAME = 'L ' / Description of output

HIERARCH ESO DET OUT1 NX = 2048 / valid pixels along X

HIERARCH ESO DET OUT1 NY = 4100 / valid pixels along Y

HIERARCH ESO DET OUT1 OVSCX = 48 / Overscan region in X

HIERARCH ESO DET OUT1 OVSCY = 100 / Overscan region in Y

HIERARCH ESO DET OUT1 PRSCX = 48 / Prescan region in X

HIERARCH ESO DET OUT1 PRSCY = 0 / Prescan region in Y

HIERARCH ESO DET OUT1 RON = 0.00 / Readout noise per output (e-)

HIERARCH ESO DET OUT1 X = 1 / X location of output

HIERARCH ESO DET OUT1 Y = 1 / Y location of output

INHERIT = T / denotes the INHERIT keyword convention

BIASCOR = T / Bias correction done

BIASSRC = 'bias_20130226.fit[1]' / Bias frame used

OVERSCAN= T / Overscan correction done

FLATCOR = T / Flat correction done

FLATSRC = 'NB_659_flat_feb2013.fit[1]' / Flat frame used

GAINCOR = 0.9539633 / Gain correction factor

CIR_CPM = 'NB_659_conf_feb2013.fit[1]' / Confidence map

SKYLEVEL= 891.72 / Sky level estimate from IMCORE

SKYNOISE= 32.57 / Sky noise estimate from IMCORE

HISTORY 20130304 14:39:32

HISTORY $Id: cir_imcore.c,v 1.12 2006-07-31 13:21:08 jim Exp $

CIR_VERS= '$Revision: 1.193 $' / CIRDR Version

SEEING = 5.599379 / Seeing estimate from CLASSIFY

ELLIPTIC= 0.176536 / Ellipticity estimate from IMCORE

HISTORY 20130304 15:16:51

HISTORY $Id: cir_platesol.c,v 1.15 2011-05-31 09:20:51 jim Exp $

NUMBRMS = 1094 / Number of stars used in fit

STDCRMS = 0.055311594158411 / RMS of standard coordinates


NUMSTDS = 1678 / Number of standards available

RAZP02 = 53.33169 / [arcsec] Ref RA shift pass 0 to 2 (new - old)

DECZP02 = 18.30581 / [arcsec] Ref Dec shift pass 0 to 2 (new - old)


MAGZPT = 21.588 / Photometric ZP (mags) for default extinction

MAGZRR = 0.021 / Photometric ZP error (mags)

EXTINCT = 0.08 / Extinction coefficient (mags)

CAMNUM = 1 / Number of OMEGACAM detector (1-32)

CHECKSUM= 'Z6YCi5W9Z5WCf5W9' / HDU checksum updated 2013-02-27T01:06:46

DATASUM = '2795660968' / data unit checksum updated 2013-02-27T01:06:46