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About CASU

The Cambridge Astronomical Survey Unit (CASU) is part of the Institute of Astronomy, Cambridge University and is mainly involved in survey astronomy.

Expertise within the group covers a broad range of ground-based and space-based projects ranging from data processing and image analysis techniques through to data curation annd access to UK facility data archives. Modern era wide-field digital surveys produce vast amounts of data and CASU is at the forefront of automatically processing and archiving these legacy products.

The strong UK interest and background in survey astronomy, coupled with its construction of WFCAM and VISTA led us to decide to process the survey data in an uniform and consistent manner with what is now known as the VISTA Data Flow System. The name reflects the long term goal, although in fact the system applies equally to WFCAM data.

Research interests of individual CASU members include: statistical analysis techniques for data mining; searches for rare objects in large area surveys; properties of nearby galaxies and star clusters; attitude control and exploitation of astrometric space missions.

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Members of CASU

Mike Irwin (CASU PI) (
Dafydd Wyn Evans (
Carlos Gonzalez-Fernandez (
Eduardo Gonzalez-Solares (
Simon Hodgkin (
Aybuke Kupcu Yoldas (
Jim Lewis (
Richard McMahon (
David Murphy (
Marco Riello (
Nic Walton (


The Institute of Astronomy is located to the west of Cambridge.

CASU location from Google Maps (hybrid version)

A: Institute of Astronomy
B: Coach Station
C: Train Station

Postal Address

Institute of Astronomy,
University of Cambridge,
Madingley Road,
Cambridge. CB3 0HA,
United Kingdom.


(+44) 1223 337548


(+44) 1223 337523