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UKIDSS Survey Progress
Hammer-Aitoff projection showing the UKIDSS survey progress in the K band. Key: red - LAS; blue - GPS; magenta - DXS + UDS; green - GCS; cyan - non UKIDSS
Magnitude limit vs seeing
Variation of magnitude limit with seeing (K band).
EROs in EN01 - 4
EROs in EN01 - 3
Blue: (r-K)>5. Red: K not r: Green: as red but with f36
EROs in EN01 - 2
Blue: r-K>5 objects. Green: objects detected in K and not in r.
EROs in EN01 - 1
[5.8]-[24] vs [3.6]-[5.8]
[4.5]-[8.0] vs [3.6]-[5.8]
K-[3.6] vs r-[3.6]
[5.8]-[8.0] vs redshift
[3.6]-[4.5] vs redshift
r-[3.6] vs redshift
K-[3.6] vs redshift
i-K vs redshift
J-K vs redshift