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Version log

Each FITS image and catalogue contains a keyword in the primary header that uniquely identifies the version of the product. This keyword is named CASUVERS and takes a value like the following example:

CASUVERS= 'omegacam version 1.0' / CASU Release Version Number

Version 1.0 (13/06/2011)

First data release containing illumination correction.

  • Two new keywords have been added to image products to reflect the OB status and QC grade as reported by ESO: OBSTATUS and ESOGRADE. The former can be 'Completed', 'Executed' (which means it has to be repeated) or 'Aborted'. The latter is 'A' if fully under constrains, 'B' if mostly (90%) under constrains, 'C' if out of constraints and 'R' rejected. Note that the requested constraints are in the header of the images in the 'ESO OBS' keywords (on data obtained after 20100208). Also note that standard stars observations and non-public survey observations are not graded. A more detailed description is available here.
  • Scattered light correction fixed in catalogues. New catalogues have extension '_fix_cat.fits' to reflect that they have been fixed. Non fixed catalogues are stored locally but not available through the archive. Further information on the correction is available here.

Version 0.9 (01/12/2011)

  • Consistency checks done on prerelease 0.6 version.
  • VPHAS catalogues are made from nebulized images.
  • Updated flagging bad columns in confidence maps.

Version 0.6 (01/10/2011)

First release version.